business email expression
출처 : 출처를 알 수 없는 자료
business email expression
영어메일 표현
1. Dear Mr. Kim, (필립스 씨께)
맨 첫머리에 편지와 마찬가지로 받는 사람의 이름을 쓰는 것이 보통이다.
Dear Mr Gatesbox,
Dear Bill,
Dear Manager James,
2. To whom it my concern (담당자 귀하)
담당자라는 말을 대신하여 쓰는 말 (원래 담당자 : the person in charge, 이를 응용하면 메일이 어색해 진다.)
3. Below is the information you've requested.
(아래는 요청하신 정보 입니다.)
비즈니스 이메일에 많이 사용되는 말이다. 안부인사 없이 바로 본론으로 들어가기 좋은 표현임.
Below is = Here is
Below is the information you've requested.
If there's anything else I can help you with, please let me know.
4. How's business? (하시는일은 어떠세요?)
일에 대한 안부를 묻는 표현 오랜만에 보내는 메일 일때는 "Long time no see" 라고 쓰기도 한다.
How are you doing? 어떻게 지내세요?
How is everything with you these days? 요즘은 어떻게 지내시고 계십니까?
I hope everything is going well for you. 모든일 두루 평안하시기 바랍니다.
5. Thank you for contacting me. (연락주셔서 감사합니다.)
이메일 주셔서 감사하다는 표현임. 첫머리에서 간편하게 사용. 회사가 고객대상으로 메일을 보낼때...
Thank you for contacting the Customer Service Center.
6. I'm glad you had a successful presentation. (프리젠테이션을 성공적으로 마쳤다니 다행입니다.)
서두에 많이 사용하는 비즈니스 용 표현입니다.
다행이다 표현 : I'm glad (that) ~
I'm glad you got the job.
I'm pleased to hear that your company can join us the project.
귀사가 저희 프로젝트에 참여하실 수 있다는 소식을 듣고 무척 기쁩니다.
7. I'm sorry to hear that the meeting didn't go well. (회의가 잘 안풀렸다니 유감이네요.)
sorry는 유감이라는 표현, 보통 I'm sorry to hear that ~
I'm so sorry to hear that you were sick. (편찮으시다니 안됐습니다.)
It is very unfortunate that the R&D division is going to be shut down.
연구개발부가 폐쇄된다니 정말 유감입니다.
8. This is to let you know that we've shipped your order. (주문하신 제품을 배송하였음을 알려드립니다.)
This e-mail is to inform you the result of the test.
시험결과를 알려 드리기 위해 이메일을 보내 드립니다.
This e-mail is about the proposal you've sent us before.
이 이메일은 일전에 보내주신 제안서에 관한 것입니다.
9. Mr. Jason gave me your e-mail address. (제이슨씨게 귀하의 이메일 주소를 전달 받았습니다.)
Mr. Jason in the marketing department gave me your e-mail adress.
This is to ~ (~ 하기 위해 미에일을 씁니다.)
This is to let you know our final decision.
This is to notify you of the delay in our project.
This is to advise you on the problem you have.
I'm sorry to ~ (~ 라서 유감입니다.)
I'm sorry to hear that you had a car accident.
I'm sorry to informyou that we can't give you a discount.
I'm sorry to let you know that we don't have the information you requested.
keeping my fingers crossed - 손모아 기도함
Which is the preposition that should follow "replaced", by or with? (When "replace" means "substitute"). Both are often possible and often used. However, I think there are differences with regard to the presence of an 'agent' of the action.
Employees were replaced with robots. Robots were clearly not the agent. Soemone else did the replacing. In fact, you could say Employees were replaced with robots by the President of the company.
Tom was fired. He was replaced by Fred. It's unclear if Fred did the firing, or if Fred is the new employee who is now doing Tom's job.
Weakness is replaced by stubbornness. OK
Welfare can be replaced by charity. Ok
But here, it sounds a bit like there is no agent, for example, that welfare 'automatically leads' to charity. It's like saying 'war is followed by peace', 'night is followed by day'. It sounds 'automatic, with no agent'.
Best wishes, Clive